母 婴 网 课 Mother and Baby online class 让您快速掌握专业知识技巧 Let you quickly master professional knowledge and skills 本 期 课 程 This course 包含母婴专业护理50节原创内容 Including the original content of 50 sections of professional nursing for mothers and infants 限 时 销 售 Limited time sales 保障知识原创性,确保购课即受益 To guarantee the originality of knowledge and to ensure the benefit of course purchasing
主创单位:南昌倍邦职业培训学校 主创单位:江西赣洪母婴 主要合作单位:江西省妇幼保健院 媒体支持 腾讯新闻、 今日头条、 搜狐网、B站 、抖音、 快手、 新浪网等主流媒体宣传报道 。
1.线上教学服务指导 2.免费名师直播课 3.赠送定点医疗机构开奶 4.赠送线下4个课时专业教学 5.赠送定点医院免费实习机会 6.赠送价值29.9元母婴随手礼包 1. Online teaching service guidance 2. Free live classes for famous teachers 3. Giving milk to designated medical institutions 4. Free professional teaching for 4 hours offline 5. Free internship opportunities for designated hospitals 6. Gift bag worth 29.9 yuan
①本期课程均为母婴护理专业学习 ②适应各年龄段各职业学习 ③0门槛技能教学易学易懂 ④本期共计50节课程 ⑤购课后可永久观看学习 ⑥本期网课学习计划秒杀价69.9元
⑦购课后可获赠增值服务 ⑧增值服务详情请咨询倍邦老师 ⑨无任何隐性收费和额外收费 更多倍邦母婴专业教学 请您咨询倍邦老师了解详情
赣洪母婴护理是一家专门从事母婴护理专业服务和母婴护理技能培训、技能实操医院实训、安置就业为一体的母婴护理服务公司。 Our company has the ownership of all the above words and materials. Without permission, it is not allowed to reprint or add watermark for use. The final interpretation right belongs to Nanchang Beibang vocational training school.